About Pastor Gary

Pastor Gary gave his life to Jesus Christ on November 17, 1980.  After pastoring in Oakland Ca. For 4 years, God called him to take over the one-time thriving church called  Faith Fellowship Worship Center in the city of San Leandro Ca.  At the start of Pastor Gary's tenure, 65 people attended Faith Fellowship every Sunday.  At present, Faith Fellowship runs over 1,400 people per weekend.

Pastor Gary is now a Divisional Supervisor of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel and helps to oversee 7 Bay Area churches.  He is currently working on his Master's degree in counselling.  He has taught at the College level at Golden Gate School of Theology, Jubilee Bible college and Patton University.

He is frequently invited to speak at numerous conferences, seminars and retreats both for adults and youth.  Pastor Gary has a T.V. Show entitled “I Speak Life” which aires on KTLN television, and is televised throughout the United States.

Pastor Gary has over 19 years experience as a Senior Pastor.  During this time he has ministered to multitudes of people and has been used by God to see many lives transformed and renewed.  Many have been healed through the laying of hands, marriages have been restored, and thousands have given their lives to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.  Pastor Gary's passion is to teach the Word of God and to minister to people in the name of Jesus Christ and to glorify God in all he does.

Pastor Gary was saved while chasing a pro golf career.  After trying for the P.G.A. Tour, he knew that God was calling him to preach His Word.  “One of the most enjoyable things about Pastoring this church is the blessing of seeing people from every walk of life and ethnicity come to Christ and who now call Faith Fellowship their home.”

In 1986, Pastor Gary married his wife Tisha and they have three children:  Michael 20, Jonathan 17, and Liana 13.

Pastor Gary wrote first book entitled “Be A Man”, which has been used around the country to help instruct men in being leaders in their homes, churches, and communities.  This book gives valuable insights which will aid men in becoming better husbands, fathers, and friends.  Pastor Gary's book has sold thousands of copies.  Santa Rita Prison  ordered over 600 copies for their inmates, which became one of the most sought after books to be used by the men.   Also, Chuck Colson's Prison Fellowship Ministry featured Pastor Gary's book inside their prison magazine entitled “Inside Journal,” which reaches almost every prison nation-wide.

In addition, Pastor Jack Hayford, President of  International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, Pastor of Church On The Way in Van Nuys, California, and author of over 60 books has now signed his endorsement on the back of the book.

Pastor Gary is available for “Be A Man” seminars which have been taught around the country, with lives transformed for the glory of God.  In addition, he has now written his second book entitled 'The Beauty of A Woman', which is available to women of all ages. 

“Many people have come by to visit our church and have ended up calling it their home.  You'll have to come by and experience it for yourself.  Come up and shake my hand when you do.  I look forward to meeting you”.

Pastor Gary