About Pastor James

Since I was a young child my family and I were in search of a church home.  After years of attending various churches in different areas, we eventually ended up here at Faith Fellowship in 1993. 

Since then Faith Fellowship has not only become my home, but the place where I gave my heart to the Lord, and the place where I have been trained and developed.  In 1995, while attending youth camp at Old Oak Ranch, I responded to the call of the Lord and repented of my sin.  Being a young man, it was not easy to completely detach myself from the world.

  However, after much prayer and determination, I finally grabbed ahold of the calling God had placed on my life.  In 2003 after graduating High School and gathering almost 3 years of Junior College under my belt, I headed to Southern California. There, I attended L.I.F.E Pacific College and received my Bachelors Degree in Biblical Studies with a specialization in Pastoral Ministry.  

While at L.I.F.E, I realized something significant, there is a lot of focus on Children's Ministries, Youth, Singles, Adult, and even Elderly Ministries. However, there was a exceptional gap between High Schoolers and Adult Ministries.  College aged ministries lacked in such a great extent, studies show that in just the past 5 years, nearly 10 million young people who at once were actively involved in youth ministry were no longer attending church.  Why is that?  One of the main reasons I believe, is the lack of ministry available to them.

  As a result of this, and also looking back, seeing the impact a young adult ministry had on my life, God placed in my my heart a PASSION to serve the young adults of our community.  Through Worship, Teaching of God's Word, Fellowship, Discipleship, and Outreach, God has been developing young people here at Faith Fellowship since the Summer of 2006.  One of my deepest prayers is that I would continue to be a man worthy of following, as the Apostle Paul said “Follow me as I follow Christ.” 1 Corithians 11:1.